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Infertility Specialist

Lydia Appiah-Dwamena, MD -  - OBGYN

Lydia Appiah-Dwamena, MD

OBGYN located in San Antonio, TX

Infertility affects between 10 and 15% of couples. If you’ve been unable to become pregnant despite a year of actively trying, it is time for a work-up at Palo Alto Women’s Health Center in San Antonio. Board-certified OB/GYN Lydia Appiah-Dwamena, MD, works closely with you and your partner to determine the reason for your inability to get pregnant and help you go on to have a family. Call the office or schedule online to work toward a solution to your fertility challenges.

Infertility Q & A

When is infertility diagnosed?

If you haven’t been able to get pregnant despite having regular, unprotected sex for an entire year, you’re diagnosed with infertility. Women older than 35 are diagnosed after six months of actively trying.

At Palo Alto Women’s Health Center, the staff understands how frustrating and debilitating infertility can be. Dr. Appiah-Dwamena works with you to identify the reason you’re having trouble getting pregnant and offers solutions.

What are the causes of infertility?

Infertility isn’t always the woman’s fault. About one-third of cases can be attributed to the man, one-third to the woman, and one-third goes undiagnosed or is a combination of male and female factors.

You undergo an extensive evaluation to determine the cause of infertility. Even in cases in which the cause for infertility is undetermined, women usually go on to have a healthy pregnancy.

What tests evaluate infertility?

Dr. Appiah-Dwamena has a woman undergo a number of screening tests if infertility is diagnosed. These include blood tests to check for hormonal issues or infection, ultrasound to look for organ abnormalities and check ovulation, and a comprehensive health exam. You may also undergo a hysterosalpingogram, which examines your uterus and fallopian tubes for abnormalities. If the test reveals blocked fallopian tubes, Dr. Appiah-Dwamena may be able to unblock them during the test.

The man may also be evaluated for sperm quality and quantity.

What methods address female infertility?

Dr. Appiah-Dwamena may recommend certain lifestyle changes to help boost your fertility, including proper nutrition and weight loss if you’re overweight.

Some women may benefit from oral or injectable hormones to stimulate ovulation. These drugs are the main treatment for women who are infertile due to issues with ovulation.

Minimally invasive surgery can remove endometriosis, or an overgrowth of the uterine lining, uterine scar tissue, or fibroids that may be interfering with your fertility.

Palo Alto Women’s Health Center also offers intrauterine insemination as a solution for some cases of infertility. During this procedure, Dr. Appiah-Dwamena places healthy sperm from your partner directly into your uterus around the time of ovulation.

For more information about infertility evaluation and treatments, call Palo Alto Women’s Health Center, or book an appointment using the online tool.